
Life Insurance (Personal)

Life insurance can provide peace-of-mind that your beneficiaries will be provided for after you pass away. But did you know that life insurance can also provide benefits while you’re still living?

When properly designed, permanent life insurance can serve as an excellent supplement to your retirement income strategy. You can grow and use the money tax-advantaged while you’re still alive.  Additionally, most policies have living benefits available, allowing access to the death benefit once diagnosed as chronically/terminally ill.

The first step is identifying the right insurance needs. We offer term, universal, and whole life solutions to meet your needs.  As independent brokers, we have access to an array of carriers and proprietary products to achieve your goals.

Life Insurance Needs Calculator

Life Insurance (Business)

A well-conceived life insurance strategy provides a solid financial foundation for businesses of all types and sizes. For business owners, life insurance can help protect both your family and business.  

In the event of an unexpected death of an owner/partner, a Buy-Sell life insurance solution provides funds to aid in the continuation of the business. Life insurance can also provide funds to minimize the disruption caused by the unexpected death of a key employee. Life insurance is the cornerstone of a business’s succession plan, where the policy provides liquidity to purchase the ownership interest of a deceased owner. 

Qualified businesses may also consider utilizing a Restricted Property Trust. The structure enables business owners to mitigate income taxes through tax-deductible contributions, tax-deferred accumulation, and tax-advantaged distribution, all while addressing their life insurance needs.

Standard benefits may not be enough to attract, retain, and reward your key employees. Implementing an executive bonus plan, funded through life insurance, can provide substantial benefits for both employer and employee in acquiring new talent and retaining your best employees.

We can also show businesses how to become their own bank in order to reduce and eliminate business debt!

Leveraged Asset Strategies

Our Leveraged Asset Strategies are powerful, flexible and cost-effective solutions in funding large life insurance policies for businesses and high-net-worth individuals.

Whether you desire a significant death benefit for your heirs, or an additional tax-free income stream during your retirement years. You can achieve these objectives more efficiently using a bank's money to pay the policy premiums. This limits your out-of-pocket cost with minimal impact to your current cash flow and avoids liquidating investments to cover the large premium payments. 

Using leverage and allowing it to accumulate in a stable life insurance environment enhances the returns on the contract. Loan rates on premium financing structures are far less expensive than rates for other traditional loans. The difference between the interest on the loan and the crediting rate within the policy creates an arbitrage that works in your favor. The estate and gift tax benefits are also one of the most attractive components of this life insurance strategy, clients can acquire the death benefit needed with little or no gift tax impact.

Using our expertise and partnerships with premier lenders and top rated insurance carriers we have been able to design, implement, and monitor these advantageous solutions for our clients.

Debt-Free Lifestyle

Imagine being totally out of debt far faster than you ever dreamed...How will that feel?

What if we could show you how to get out of debt in 9 years or less, including your mortgage, without spending any additional money than you are spending right now?

Instead of focusing on increasing contributions, we look to improve inefficiencies and then utilize provisions found within traditional and proven financial products to accelerate their debt reduction. It is not a debt consolidation plan or a bi-weekly mortgage plan. Unfortunately, few fully understand how powerfully this program can work for themselves, but we can teach it to you. 

Here is an example of a client: a $180,000 in total debt including their mortgage. Using Your Family Bank this family will be out of debt in 7.8 years and saving interest of $122,739.

There is no cost or obligation to find out if this can work for you. Contact us to help break the shackles of debt! 

Disability & Long Term Care Insurance

People insure their cars, homes, and lives, but most neglect to insure their paycheck. During the course of your career, you are far more likely to become disabled during your working years than dying. Nobody wants to think about it, but you must take steps to protect your family and your future from what might happen if you become disabled and could not work.

We can help you plan in advance for times when your health prevents you from going to work and still pay your bills. 

A majority of retirees will require long-term care services. Unfortunately, long-term care has become a colossal expense.

Regular health insurance doesn’t cover long-term care and Medicare doesn’t cover the majority of long-term care costs. If you don’t have insurance to cover long-term care, you’ll have to pay for it yourself. You can get help through Medicaid, but only after you’ve exhausted most of your savings and your choices will be limited to facilities that accept payments from the government program.

We offer a variety of strategies and solutions to cover your long-term care needs. Planning to address your future for long-term care expenses will help protect your nest egg and provide more choices for care. 


Medicare can be a maze all by itself. Beneficiaries must plan carefully in consideration of the coverage they need, the timing of enrollment, and coordination with other health benefits.  

We represent many regional and national healthcare insurance providers and offer consultations at no cost to you. Our product line includes Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement and Prescription Drug plans.

With access to the products offered by many reputable insurance companies, our local and experienced advisors are sure to find the health insurance plans to meet each client’s specific needs.

Contact us to schedule a meeting to help get the most out of your benefits.


Life Insurance Needs Calculator

Answer a few simple questions to estimate the amount of life insurance coverage you need to take care of your family.